Monday 23 May 2011

Photography Evaluation

We were asked to Create a Poster/Flyer and a Cd cover using photography. We also had research to do.

The research i did helped to influence the way i made my posters and Cd cover. I was doing my poster for a katy perry tour and my Cd cover for a band of my making. I researched the style of katy perry and came up with some initial designs and ideas.

I took my own photos to use on both the poster and Cd cover.

I wanted to use a dull background for the poster to make the cartoons stand out more. And for the Cd cover i wanted to make it black and white with a goth-like theme.

I think that using the graveyard on the Cd cover was a good idea to set the kind of mood i was aiming for. And i think that using the bright colors that i did for the poster was a good idea because those kind of colors usually portray katy perry. The drawing that i did and edited did not work too well so i didn't use it.

If i were to make these again i would make them more professional and try to get a model involved next time. I think that i achieved most of what i wanted to do in this section of my work.

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